Hanukkah 2018
The Festival of Lights
May It Be necklace available here
Each year Hanukkah is celebrated by millions of people of the Jewish faith. ‘Hanukkah’ is Hebrew for dedication. The dedication to the temple in Jerusalem is celebrated with the festival of lights, a nightly lighting of the menorah. Hanukkah is also referred to the Festival of Lights, relating to the lighting of the menorah each night. It’s the holiday of oil for light and oil for delicious fried sufganiyot and latkes, and the delight of family gatherings.
The “I Shall Be Who I Shall Be” necklace below, from Exodus 3:14 “And God said to Moses: I shall be who I shall be. And He said: Thus shall you say to the children of Israel: "I shall be" sent me to you.” We love it on our body because it suggests the embrace and acceptance of oneself, open-minded to the divine’s creation. Order here.
If you look up the translations of Psalm 89:3 - עולם חסד יבנה, you’ll find many variations. Our favorites is: A world shall be built from compassion. The most exciting iteration of this verse is: We must build this world from LOVE. Shop here.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh in Hebrew necklace. This verse reads- We must build this world from LOVE. You may choose your favorite metal
All of these pieces are customizable and made to order. They are shipped out from New York City, so order them in advance for your holiday occasions!